
In loving memory of our friend, Tim Gula

It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of the sudden passing last month of our cherished colleague and friend, Tim Gula. Tim passed away while engaging in one of his greatest joys—being

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Calculating the ROI of an experience

Every week I receive my Google Alert report for the term “experiential marketing ROI” to see what the pundits have written about tracking the ROI of an experience. And every week I’m disappointed to see

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The 411 on Physician Office Sampling

Although we don’t talk about it often enough, one of the tactics that we employ for consumer packaged goods clients is the distribution of product samples and marketing materials through our Physician Office Network. This

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Social Video & the Power of Real

As experiential marketers we live at the intersection of “live” experience and social content. And that means we need to understand exactly what types of content engage viewers. In November we set out to explore

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It’s all about the content, right?

We’re so well known as an experiential agency that another important aspect of our work often gets over-looked: Producing top notch video content, often completely removed from any live experience. And while we love producing

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